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 Relationship Mastery & Healing Therapy Uncovers Deep Understanding of Who You Really Are   

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  • Relationship therapies for healing life in total unity. Master new feelings and values to your relationships. Unlock the potential for profound transformation in your relationships with our relationship therapies, designed to harmonize your life in total unity. Master new feelings and values to enhance the depth and connection in your intimate relationships. In the pursuit of rapture and transcendence, we strive to bridge the gap between head and heart, entering a state of bliss and ecstasy. Our therapies aim to sustain these feelings, infusing meaning into your personal relationships by delving into the hidden dimensions of loving connections. If you
  • What is Concepts Connection? It is the art of Living Consciously in the Present. Living consciously restores free will. I landed my dream job that had me sell project creations. Once secured I managed the entire process from planning to completion of millions of dollars worth of projects. This was rewarding in a way I would never have imagined. My social life evolved to being around people of substance. They were respectful and extraordinarily generous. However in the background of all this was my marriage that I left and my three children. Career is easy. Private emotional challenges are what
  • Power of Love There is no Greater Power. Power of love has capacity to keep you going when everything seems futile. When power of love envelops you, resistance to truth disappears. For many this power of love will take you out of depression and self focus. When love for life enters you life - you become more caring for your personal wellbeing because it's essential that you are not a burden on society. The only way you can shine love on someone else is through your own pure healthy body and mind. My love of clarity and absolute commitment to
  • Priorities help to define who you are and where you are going. This is the easiest thing to define in your mind. Priorities are simple steps; but are difficult to put into action while you are stuck in trying to work out the struggle. Struggle is an illusion. Learn to let go of it by being your priority. Most people are stuck in dreaming their priorities into coming true. In reality the only way your priorities will become real is by taking daily action. I only worked with the most dedicated and talented designers, manufacturers, trades people. These people could
  • My most memorable relationships that keep me going between challenges. Let's begin with personal relationships. Clearly this is what interests you in Tantric Power of Love. My most memorable relationship I've ever experienced was with a courageous man who was willing to follow his feelings. I met him while out at a Night Club with friends, he was up on business, his company (he owned the development company) had their offices on the Gold Coast and in Melbourne. At the time they were setting up Gold Coast as well as introducing the Gold Coast Manager to his new position.His returning
  • Kundalini Meditation changes how we perceive the world. We are then able to see the world consciously as it truly is. The process cleans energy channels in your body. In this video Ben talks about depth of healing he received from Kundalini Meditation appointment. How Kundalini Meditation works. In this video Ben talks about depth of healing he received from Kundalini Meditation appointment. It is simple technique using your senses that creates communication between your soul spirit body and mind by establishing your own rhythm enabling you to connect to your life force. This is connection between you and your
  • Connection to where you are and where you want to be is your link to success. Preparation to conneccction is foundation of experiences that count. Connection to being present changes many lives. Your body is the vehicle to connecting to your life on earth. Your body friequencies are the link to living successfully in this lifetime. About Emotional Release. Only when emotions are accessed responsibly. - the key being is that you are supported through the process of integration. For that process to be of any value you need a person who has had substantial and varied life experiences. Getting
  • Mission Statement. I'm dedicated to building relationships in every area of our lives is my focus. The best way to describe me is my life journey of Self exploration that is expressed by the work I do. Most of us express through our daily habits. In our workplace is where we spend considerable amount of time. It is there that who we really are shows up. Who we are either shines or it is very dim. Finding passion in what we do every day is the place to begin. For me that was in the way of project coordination as
  • Sexual TRANSMUTATION is concept of vibration of profound awareness. Awareness of feelings they never experienced before. By connecting with these feelings they access zones of creativity that bring thought into physical reality. Sexual transmutation is felt on a very subtle level yet like a volcano exploding. That explosion is invisible yet felt on deep level within the body as a merging with the universe. The mystery of sexual energies has been explored from a very narrow perspective. When you separate sexual energies as a sexual experience alone sexual transmutation is terminated. To renounce belief in one's ego, to deny one's
  • Men with highly developed sex natures are men of greatest achievement . 1. The men of greatest achievement are men with highly developed sex natures; men who have learned the art of sex transmutation. 2. The men who have accumulated great fortunes; and achieved outstanding recognition - in literature, art, industry, architecture and other professions, were motivated by the influence of a woman. The research, from which these astounding discoveries were made, went back through the pages of biography and history for more than two thousand years. In this video a client talks about importance of business application as connection
  • Pleasure and it's meaning in life. Are we distorting by isolating it. Nothing can be sustained in isolation. Pleasure on it's own is fleeting. It is not a goal. The moment you have a goal to pleasure or to please you are in struggle. The goal itself limits you and creates pain while you believe you are feeling pleasure. The pursuit of pleasure creates stress and anxiety in the brain. When you pursue it this tells you that you lack it, that you do not have it. This creates stress hormones. When you stop and satisfy this search with anything
  • Benefits of Concepts therapies and training in Relationship healing. First of all you are not your mind. You are a body living within your soul. I'll help you feel your living breathing soul around your body. Your conditioned mind separates you from your natural element regardless of your spiritual or academic training. Your search for spirituality confines you to even deeper cultural conditioning. Until you meet with your soul and establish permanent residence within your soul. Your conditioned mind is cultural ideas impressed upon the hardware of your mind. It is the software installed by your environment. To gain Benefits
  • Tantra for Men. For the sacred no-sound to begin there needs to be a meeting of male and female energies is a very specific way. Men really benefit by reading Tantra for Women page because both men and women have male and female energies when living on purpose. One of the biggest challenges that men tend to face is relationship breakdowns. These breakdowns are even more devastating when we have children involved. Have a listen to this first video were we discussed this common situation. Beginning with understanding disconnect from female energy in male is also essential. The role it
  • Merging vs Holding Back. humans been conditioned to hold back. Conditioned to hold back in every aspect of their lives in order to fit into a predetermined life. This means shutting of part of you and redirecting energy. That approach puts you into head space and into controlling personal life. This shuts the creative force out. Often this lead to self medication. Deep misunderstanding of range of energies, in the process of keeping part of you separate suffering and emotional disassociation has be employed. Techniques of redirecting energy separates you from your soul connection here on earth. Clearly; while you
  • Tantra for Women Australia Brings you closer to your essence. Let go of the struggles in your relationships. Many marriages stay together in a very dark place. For woman who feels that way life is devastating. Everything and everyone suffers. Unlock your life bring your soul into your life. Make your soul your faithful companion first. Quality time for woman by a woman. First appointment is designed for healing damaged female energy. Understanding the shield this woman put up as protection. A pattern she developed from past abusive and dispassionate relationships. In this video a woman comes to terms with
  • Healing damaged female energy. Female energy massage is designed for healing damaged female energy within every man and woman. Every living being has female energy that has been displaced by their own birth. Whether you are 20, 40, 60 years old. Whether you recently birthed a child. Families were meant to participate in supporting the baby and mother blend into the earth environment. Earth is our womb. We all need to connect to it. Without it we do not have a life. Friends and family took care of the running of the household. Prepare meals, cleaning, cooking etc. This made
  • Tantra For Couples is designed identify areas of disconnect and to bring you closer together. Tantra For Couples is designed with to help you understand the role of the soul and the cells and the spirit within the couple's relationship. Often couples fall into routine forgetting that the spirit of hormonal energies need to be nourished. By identifying disconnect within a relationship every areas of conflict or dissatisfaction soften and gives the relationship a soul of it's own. In Tantra for coupes we connect each of you in your own space to your soul energy. In the first video is
  • Tantra Intimacy addresses whole person to Heal lack of awareness. Understanding of universal lack of awareness is pre-requisite to understanding before we move on to healing. Most people have been conditioned to just do as they are told. To the degree that Tantric scholars became so clear on human gullibility that they displayed the entire story on the exterior of the temple. On the outside they put all human action in picture form. Most population in India was totally controlled by the hierarchy. In fear for their soul they followed every step as per instruction. Like a robot programmed. Robot
  • Couples Relationship therapy to Endless Love the language of lovers. Discover the language of lovers. When feelings of longing and belonging are heard, nurtured, followed, regarded & honoured are we truly satisfied. What everyone wants is feeling safety within their intimate relationship. Feeling the satisfaction of connection. What each individual needs to begin to see is who they are in this world. How they fit into the environment they are surrounded by. This is not normal in our society. There are no representations of healthy relationships in the mainstream. In our couples relationship therapy we work on creating the life
  • How to connect you with your wisdom energy. To achieve that, the body requires preparation through very specific Unraveling techniques. Releasing the habitual restraints that have been trapping our pleasure energy, this can often begin to release within the first 30minutes of the pre-appointment phone conversation. Desire, Stress & Trauma. All the stresses of the body that have accumulated over many years are expertly accessed. Specific words of wisdom that target forgotten traumas, challenges and more importantly the desires and sensual dreams not yet realized. Separation. When we are stressed of rushed, the feeling is one of separation or pushing
  • Full body high. Exploration of living soul experiencing new situations. Your soul depends on health of your body to be drawn to exploring this earth plane. Your soul chose to come to earth. For your soul to have any experiences worth it's while it needs to have cooperation of your body intelligence. Science for decades now have had evidence that our thoughts affect our cells. They also affect your cells capacity to communicate with each other. They need that in order to calla borate and work in unison. When all inner minds come together; this is experienced as a full
  • What people say about Concepts Relationship Therapy. How Can Concepts Relationship therapy fill my spiritual emptiness and heal my relationship issues? How Can Concepts Relationship therapy fill my spiritual emptiness heal my relationship issues? What people ask for; I want to go deeper. How can Concepts Relationship Training improve my life. I want to fill this void. First we need to get this right if you are to get any benefit at all. The word Tantra, Tantric sex for enlightenment is thrown around in personal development circles as a way to instant wisdom through wild abandonment. We read everywhere this
  • Understanding Tantra Touch & sound as powerful tools in self-discovery Understanding Tantra from the perspective of the fact that everything has spirit and soul. You know you have begun understanding Tantra when everything about your life and the universe matters. At the very core of Tantra; everything matters. In a time where almost everything is disposable, replaceable and instant. In a time where many expect tantra teacher accreditation within maximum of 10 days. Instant is unrealistic. It takes years of training and living the principals for anything work instantly & consistently. In tantra everything matters. When you contrast this with
  • The world we live in as broad as our willingness to step OFF the trodden path and explore the world around us. Turn away for a few brief hours, from what is binding us to conform with the known. I have just come across this link, despite knowing about this product for many years now, using it at home for just about every purpose. Yet this link is new even to me. This is not meant to replace medical advice. Please ensure your do your own research resposibly. The title is about "foods that can rip apart your insides. Enter
  • Q & A What is Real Tantra. This question is answered in a number of parts. Q. Is it about sex techniques? A. Making love is about ability to fully present with your partner. Knowing you want to be with your partner in that moment. You need to be in a state that your mind cannot be anywhere else. This is foundation of Real Tantra. Tantra was formed to assist the householder. That's you the everyday person not a guru or Buddha. Everyday families are inspired to connect to your tread on enchanted ground of living life in total abundance.
  • White Tantra was brought to the people to get them out of worshiping false gods that manipulated them into servitude to the higher casts in India. White Tantra transforms your relationships. Master your emotions, feelings and thoughts. Your desires and fantasies become something you enjoy rather than deny. Master you mind. Live with a mind that takes you where you want to be. Improve your communication. Understand impulsive decisions and how they often create stress in your life. White Tantra cuts through physical and blocks that affect relationships in every area of your life. It is glowing awareness of every
  • Contact Details. Call 7 days 8am - 9pm; Phone +61 430 417 039 read this first to prepare for what is possible. For Private appointments, private workshops, and group training, here's what happens when you call: I personally conduct a free 20-minute phone consultation with you to assess if we are the right fit for each other. Before you make the call, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the following pages. Ensure your phone is switched off, and preferably, access the consultation from your PC i possible. Close all other browsers to minimize distractions, make sure you are not interrupted,
  • Privacy Policy Your privacy is as vital as is mine. I take great care to protect my privacy each moment of each day. Everyone in world has their own idea of what life is and how pleasure is experienced. To please everyone is not at all possible or even desired. Simple
  • Service Menu - Foundation of understanding values. Bringing a deep sense of joy of internal alignment. At our very core; we are a therapeutic relationship service. We begin by defining values and events that are sabotaging your relationship and those that enhance. We are here to bring benefits and connections to your deepest and most specific needs. These needs only reveal themselves in a connected and nurturing environment. We offer private therapeutic services that encompass all of your life. We bring all your fractured cells and thoughts together. Only when you are fully relaxed can your mind and body come
  • Total package - bringing it together to living fully with no effort. How can we live with no effort yet grow and explore rapidly like you did when you were a baby and toddler. When you watch a baby first try to lift it's head, there is no effort. When baby begins to crawl; there is no effort. Yes they fall, get hurt; but do it again. They try sitting up a few times and fall down; again they get up. What if your journey in life is this smooth and interesting. But on the way through school and adulthood;
  • First appointment begins with Grounding. This brings you in connection with Earth Energies. Begin by removing all negativity from your cells and energy. Your pain wants to acknowledged. Not fixed or manipulated. Humans are addicted to manipulation. Humans are used to just being told what to do. That is the robotic way of living that does not meet true human desires. In this video a man talks about his first appointment and embracing pain. It is like a rebirth. But differently. This time you consciously connect to the pain you have been suppression. You are guided not to identify with
  • Transforming Dispassionate Life. Just about everyone goes through this disappointment. We often strive for a dream. Work hard to achieve this dream only to find yourself sitting on that platform of achievement that is not fulfilling. Life can become flat with no purpose. Re-defining purpose can begin to set you free from that place of dispassion. Great Relationship is a treasure. Treasure is always valuable and rare. When you know you have something valuable, you ensure it. You keep it safe. You provide that treasure every level of security and protection. When was the last time you looked upon your
  • Emotional Release is popular among therapists throughout the world. Is emotional release healing? Please hold your reaction til you watch the video below. As you read this page fully a number of times this will make sense. When you know better you do better. My client talks about the different results. Here A CLIENT IN THIS VIDEO takes you on a journey of following the path of emotional release and other options that really work. Have a listen as we revisit his experiences. In this video the release was powerful and physical. Perfect clarity of every relationships he's had in
  • Sex Therapy here we work together using PERSON-CENTERED APPROACH. Every human being has the capacity to shape their own life. You are supported in seeing your path clearly. Help promote human freedom in your interpersonal relationships. Liberation of your spirit is at the core of this brand of sex therapy. Humans have the capacity to shape their own future within a loving and supportive environment. I create this environment for our appointment together. Purpose of relationships is to become the person as result of your experiences. Interpersonal aspects have been completely neglected by a society that just wants to tell
  • PREMATURE EJACULATION is result of all your energies being displaced. Please do not be embarrassed, I've worked with single and married men as well as couples with remarkable results. We work with love and success management. Misinformation often sends men in direction of seeking solutions through prescription drugs for sexual enhancement. This could be deeply damaging. The cause could be diabetes or blood pressure issues.These are often easily corrected within days for most people through diet and correct lifestyle. Premature ejaculation would never be an issue if you eliminate stress from your life. This is often referred to a stress
  • Tantra Gold Coast secret keys to fulfilling, loving relationship. When you are not connected to your entire being including your soul;- everything and everyone suffers. I want to awaken feelings of everlasting interaction of life from within you. Tantra Gold Coast Relationship therapies Self awareness is result of Healthy Body Healthy Mind more... At the very core we all dream of the freedom to live life we love. It is the lack of right relationships that creates conflict in our life. Genuine Spirituality is Ability to Pay Attention to Every Aspect of Life on Earth. Just relating to sensation within
  • Private Intensive Sessions customised to every individual. Our society has created an environment where people no longer live authentic lives. Conforming to such limiting demands takes a toll of all relationships including intimacy. Even your relationships as a couple are individual personal relationships as well as a couples relationship. The biggest problem people often face is trying to have someone else's relationship fit into their life. When you introduce someone else's relationship blueprint into your life you end up in an act. Relationships that last are unique to the couple. It's easier to live with than living someone else's life.
  • Private Retreat Training breakdown. Morning session. Day 1. Most important part of the course; Preparing to awaken the body while still in bed (we have created habits of greeting the day in a specific way that we need to amend for best start to the day). Meditation(meditation has many health benefits yet many cannot sit down to meditate simply because we misunderstand what meditation is and how to prepare our body) Learn how to prepare your body for meditation so you can access peace and joy regularly. Most importantly in you private retreat training we cover approach and disengagement awareness.
  • Tantra Brisbane Spiritual Loving Relationships that are trapped in the knots of past events starving your consciousness. Here I activate your energetic vibration. This primal drive to reconnect is then activated. The restrictions hold onto emotional wounding that you would not even be aware of begin to be bathed by your own spirit and cellular and soulular energy. To help understand the deeper levels of relationships it makes more sense when you to understand the spirit of soul as Shiva Shakti the body and the relationship to your base chakra. The spiritual a sexual been due to be reactivated it
  • Sydney, when it's absolutely essential that something has to change for life to improve. This video is in-depth discussion on subject of relationships and its downfall's. It clearly describes levels your session can reach. It represents accurately Tasha's approach and the remarkable outcomes when we begin with this level of attention. Setting a new standard of communication by introducing you to the different energy bodies that are at work. When your attention is activated in that direction you are more available to experience new levels of reality. Sydney clients intensive begins with 2 and 1/2 hour blocks of training. This
  • Melbourne Training, Private Therapies, Workshops, Private Events and Workshops. Every aspect of life affects the quality of your personal relationships. When we begin with fundamental knowledge as foundation not the end result; we begin at a new level of understanding. That has to be greatest asset. Without valuing what you are engaged in; you literally throw your entire life away. Understanding of the presence of your soul has to be the foundation of your therapy. If you don't you run the risk of just entertaining the mechanics (the robotic mimic) of the idea of tantra. In this video listen to
  • Osho on Shortcoming in Tantra Teachings. "There is a basic fallacy that human beings fall into: they find a small truth, a part of the truth, and rather than discover the whole, the remaining part they imagine to fill up the gap." By: Osho Original Source: Question - Beloved Osho, Do You see shortcoming in the Teachings of Tantra that incline you to feel Tantric methods are not suitable for us? Osho - It is not a complete system. There is a basic fallacy that human beings fall into: they find a small truth, a part of the truth,
  • Sacred Tremor is always present. When we become aware of it's purpose sacred tremor is accessed. When body cell conscious intelligence replaces conforming to mass thinking, chakras begin to flower. Sacred tremor is generative power when something new is born. Something always needs to die to make room for regeneration. You understand that all the new age vibration generated by so called gurus is also a tremor, but it is not sacred tremor. But it's a vibration conforming to the teachers direction. Do not confuse the two different feelings. One vibration that is result of manipulation is totally unique to
  • News of new body/soul/spirit therapies. "Activate your vibration/movement of consciousness" more audios here. Private Half day, full day, Weekend or full week Workshop just for you/and or you and your partner stylized & personalised. Private workshop is designed to connect with our personal pleasure which is often the most challenging of all. Many of my private clients prefer to keep that aspect of themselves private and customised within personalised private workshops. What happens during your private workshop? You have the opportunity to experience what you would in a weekend or week long intensive; the difference is that it is personalized
  • Resources here the primary focus is on Spanda, described a vibration/movement of consciousness. Nothing exists without movement. It is the movement within that activates the merging of the two vibrations. As we skim through the internet drawn to mysteries of the Tantra world, the words Lingam & Yoni appear constantly. Have you ever questioned what is popular just to test the truth. Even Spanda has been messed with. In the hustle of competition, confusion is everywhere. Too much data. Let's define our resources and stick with them. Vision and clarity are the only reliabe tools.. The mystery of Lingam &
  • Disclaimer - Warning; This site shall change how you perceive pedestrian level of Tantra Services here we raise our standards because our reputation is as valuable to us as much as yours is to you. This Statement is critical This is real Kundalini Tantra that does not promote genital massage or prostate massage. However men need to take care of their prostate, to assist you you'll have access to taking care of your prostate easily. Concepts Tantra bodywork merges you with your own male and female energies within you, for both men and women. Welcome to Concepts of Sexuality for
  • Tantra School of Integration supports you in encompassing everything you enjoy in your life. Seeking Tantra guidance for relationships comes with the greatest challenge. When you begin to seek; you are only partly present. You know something is missing. With that missing part not participating in the search; identifying the truth brings about it's own challenges. This affects every aspect of your life. Tantra School of Integration brings together all your elements including the ones you are searching for. When you have had the experience and the feeling of what it feels like to be whole, from that feeling the
  • Products - Rejuvenating System using earth energy apply daily or as required for stress and pain relief. I personally used this product on my knee that I injured seven months ago, unable to bend it sufficiently for meditation pose and in constant pain, after using this product in that area just once I experienced almost full movement and no more pain. I continue to use it almost daily for rejuvenate sleep and occasional cat nap when the days are long and demanding. Some our greatest leaders in history have made it a habit to take five minutes in every hour
  • History of Tantra and how it became mainstreem throughout the world. Tantra is path to self-actualization. It's self-exploration through taking actions that reveal our deepest thoughts conditioning. The key word here is conditioning that influences all your actions. Nothing that you do is you. You have been conditioned. However as usual people fell victim to another form of conditioning by fake gurus who enslaved the masses all over again. By turning tantra into just a sex ritual and self exploration under the lies of healing love of hindu gods. This training also grew the sex industry because that level of
  • var bookmarkurl=window.location.href; var bookmarktitle=''; function bookmark(){ if (document.all) window.external.AddFavorite(bookmarkurl,bookmarktitle); } 2003.02.06 On Neo-Tantra "Neo-tantra is nearly always used as a synonym for sacred sexuality." By: Adityanath It is misleading to call tantric sex techniques, tantra. The doublespeak term neo-tantra was born. It’s not tantra. But everyone pretends that it is. Thus the money continues to flow and make the neo-tantric world go ’round. Neo-tantra (see the Wikipedia article) is nearly always used as a synonym for sacred sexuality. While neo- tantra may use many of the same terms and concepts as tantra, it discards some of the most central elements
  • Shamanic De Armouring is specific body work support you releasing traumas; physical, emotional mental sexual. Life of competition and emotional stress that builds over time has a tendency to tie up our body and mind into knots. This can often have us feeling completely ungrounded and disconnected from our very nature. This can have us feel completely alone despite being around people. Deep down we feel the need for authentic connection with people we can trust to keep us safe. These traumas are affecting your behaviour in every area of your life including intimate relationships. As you go through this
  • Videos are in the links of individual pages below. Relationships are full spectrum of engagement with life. Emotional Release. What that means. One mans talk with me about his experiences. That helps you understand the trends and the pitfalls. Transforming Dispassion. When you think you have done it all, what then? Shamanic De-Armoring. Facing fear and what it means to be with it just for a moment. Everyone has fear that stops progress and real communication. Couples Intimacy the fear and the challenges that face just about every couple at some time in their life. Have a listen to this
  • Design your life. Use this page when you want to watch the play list videos. As you watch and listen (best with head phones to ensure you are not distracted). When you write, your actually begin to feel deeper meaning to your words. Prepare yourself with a note pad. Not digital notes but writing. There is a good reason for this. Most of our life these days are digital. Because words create our life; its very important that we get very specific with the words we use. It the most of the time negotiator words are interpreted to match the
  • Testimonials and feedback from our clients merging with joy of experience. Here is what people have to say about becoming whole during their session and how this continues in daily life. Free of analysis into being in totality of self expression. Find your actual self not illusion you've been conditioned to have or one you have created to please other people. Feel how to merge with fear as doorway to truth beneath resistance. Deep and Meaningful connection with the source energy. First thing you discover is how to let go of separation from pain. Secret is ability to embrace pain
  • Sexual Abuse has been destroying families and individuals since beginning of time. The sexual abuse victim at any age feels extremely vulnerable and fearful. Not only are they kept quiet by the perpetrator. But when they share it with the family, they are made to feel that it would be unacceptable to have this conversation. At times great dramas arise. Often when they tell, either they are blamed or told not to say anything to anyone else. Rarely is this reported. Actual statistics are misleading. Family choose to deal with it mostly by silence. This has been the experience of
  • Relationship Therapy is foundation of all sessions. The most significant issue is that most people have been raised in an environment of disconnect. Relationships are central focus of every aspect of our lives. From connection to the very earth we live in to home and work. The very foundation of our life is the search for cooperative relationships. Many are in relationships that are unfulfilling. Others are explosive. These conditions often continue for years. The partner on the receiving end continues to hope things will change. The reality is; two, three, five, ten and even twenty years later as you
  • Understanding Your Body and it's connection to every interaction throughout the day. The way every aspect of you interacts with every thing you do. When ever you put anything into your mouth, the act of putting food in your mouth is a relationship. Whenever you touch someone or someone touching you is a new opportunity to understanding your body. When you pick up a child, this again is a new opportunity for understanding your body. Your child is not the same child as the last time you picked him or her up. This time they are expressing a different feeling.
  • Training immersion therapy bridging the gap of disconnect. Full day of taking care of yourself. When you lose connection to your inner nature and outer nature awareness, your intimate relationship suffers deeply or is non-existent. Many couples and families just get by on a few social and spiritual rules that hold them separate from ultimate connection. The disconnect often is part of the reason people fall ill or suffer from emotional and mental issues. This creates distance in your intimate relationships. We are not designed to live in isolation from the nature we are born into. Education sets us up
  • Spirit Consciousness Training - the foundation of all relationships. It's approached from the perspective of the spirit bathing your soul. That in turn permits to soul to envelop the body. Your soul is actually larger than your body contrary to the beliefs of most people. Majority of people believe that these soul is inside the body in a small thing that you speaks out occasionally. And it is if you restrain it, however when you do that it sits outside your body not inside the body. Because you are actually pushing it away from you. Through specific techniques in your
  • Free relationship video training - prepares you for our level of services. These are essential viewing prior to calling. What if you could get your message across easier. With so much time freed up; what would you do with that extra time. At the end of the session we wrap up on the most relevant points. These videos are 1minute to 3 minutes long. I've put together a play list here. Just let that run. The videos will continue to follow in order listed below. I hope the list of videos are in the same order below. Video 1. This
  • Articles on how your thoughts feelings and emotions affect every area of your life. Our biggest challenges in relationships come when we feel the disconnect. By then it's almost impossible to find the right solution. This is where these articles will be most helpful. They provide an insight into a world you may not have even considered until now. At that time all we want is healing from the deep emotional pain. Our mind and emotions are deeply confused that often we are shut down from our own body. The pain so great that this causes us to retreat into
  • var bookmarkurl=window.location.href; var bookmarktitle=''; function bookmark(){ if (document.all) window.external.AddFavorite(bookmarkurl,bookmarktitle); } 16th October 2016 Unresolved Feelings "Turn painful feelings into healing" By: TJ Powers The ancient texts. The secrets they hold for healing unresolved feelings for healthy happy relationships. When the three become One. When we allow the three to become one without judgement; healing of unresolved feelings is able to enter. Unresolved Feelings how Ancient Prophecies are gifts to humanity through the messages encoded in ancient texts and in your every thought. These messages are also encoded within our DNA. Every thought you have, every action you take affects you
  • Freedom from fear. Explore the meaning of what freedom is. We live in constant state of conflict when seeking the principals of pleasure to escape fear. There is always a struggle for attaining something. When you do that you are not flowing with life. Deep inside there is often a sense of emptiness as we seek; Freedom from fear of being in wrong relationship. Freedom from fear of being alone and deep intimacy. Freedom from fear of missing out on pleasures of life. Freedom from fear of not having desires and dreams met. Freedom from fear of facing the truth
  • What Makes Relationships Great. We help with miscommunication in families, intimate partnerships and work space relationships. The common denominator in every area of life is you. You are there. Therefore we address what it is that is blocking you from advancing in creating quality relationships. First step to understanding what makes relationships great is to experiencing the feeling that great relationships create. Before we can appreciate what makes relationships great; first we must address unsupportive relationships. This is most likely where you are at the moment but do not recognise that as the most damaging environment you are living within
  • Unsupportive relationships and how they affect your mental and emotional wellbeing. Identify energies that are constantly interfering with your progress. How often do you seem to take a step forward only to find again you are up to ten steps back. Your energy is drained. Perhaps you have a diagnosis of a disease, or constantly inviting unsupportive relationships. For example; I spoke to a couple a few days ago in new relationship. The woman actually shared with me that it took her 18 months to be permitted to take out her sewing machine. She love to dance. Her partner dances
  • Business situations affect our emotions. Emotional states can have devastating impact our physical and mental health. These in-turn impact business, careers and personal relationships. As we have seen repeatedly; sporting stars personal and business relationships and Everything, including business is about relationship with whatever you are interacting with. Everything is about relationships. In business; the relationship frequency is vastly different from intimate relationships. sponsorship have experienced massive set backs. Some have never recovered. This is due to the miscommunication of the spiritual aspect that derails us. Business Tantra works on life realities. You cannot meditate your way out of business
  • Kundalini is Cosmic Energy Intended to Merge with Your Pineal Gland. This merging is only possible when we bring our awareness to the fact. Just blindly directing Kundalini up the body is a dangerous journey I see people undertake all over You Tube. Our Pineal Gland is about the size of a grain of rice. But like a computer chip, it holds all the universal wisdom when we approach it with care and respect. People have a tendency to approach Kundalini and the Pineal gland in a similar way they would walk into a supermarket. They want to take off