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 Relationship Mastery & Healing Therapy Uncovers Deep Understanding of Who You Really Are   

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Priorities help to define who you are and where you are going. This is the easiest thing to define in your mind.

Priorities are simple steps; but are difficult to put into action while you are stuck in trying to work out the struggle. Struggle is an illusion. Learn to let go of it by being your priority. Most people are stuck in dreaming their priorities into coming true.

In reality the only way your priorities will become real is by taking daily action.

I only worked with the most dedicated and talented designers, manufacturers, trades people. These Prioritiespeople could be trusted to deliver to my design. The best part was that we collaborated on each design to make it even better than I could on my own. This level of appropriate business relationships and collaboration opened me to a new personal relationship. Then I went into health field with the same priorities as in interior design that at all times had thousands of dollars at stake.

Followed by travelling with guests from premier health retreats.

On my way I had personal time with Tony Robbins (he flew me to his resort), Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rohn, Aajonus and Sir John Whitman Ray. These are just a few people who's skills and focus have been my rock through my journey that came with challenges. Challenges will always be there when you break away from the herd thinking and living.

It is all worth it. Nothing is more boring than living a beige life.  What I've searched for and experienced with my clients can be appreciated visually in this martial arts video. This clearly displays the interrelationship of energies and its physical application.  

My personal life flourished as I blossomed. I needed to feel good about myself. When I had to make decisions about my marriage it was a matter of mental and emotional disappointments in the relationshiop. The challenges were in areas of communication. I had no role model. My family like many; provided no path. I learned clear communication on the job. I sought work where I was valued; this set the bar for highest level of understanding human potential I never knew was possible. My story of love of my life is in this page.