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News of new body/soul/spirit therapies.              "Activate your vibration/movement of consciousness" more audios here.

Private Half day, full day, Weekend or full week Workshop just for you/and or you and your partner stylized & personalised.

Private workshop is designed to connect with our personal pleasure which is often the most challenging of all. Many of my private clients prefer to keep that aspect of themselves private and customised within personalised private workshops.News Body Therapies Options

What happens during your private workshop?

You have the opportunity to experience what you would in a weekend or week long intensive; the difference is that it is personalized to your specific needs.

Option 1

Begins with one to four blocks in the first appointment. These sessions can often be unpredictable, because they are organic. As we begin to delve into our lives for the first time perhaps in any lifetime, things you did not know existed within you surface. These issues are ready to be heard clearly because the soul is actually engaged in dialogue with the body heart mind emotions thoughts simultaneously. All these aspects begin to unravel and cooperate.

Option 2

Full day: this allows us to assess your needs and plan your weekend - a week or even a month. When you've had long standing issues that have been messing with your purpose this may be required for your physical well-being and relationship support. Business success is often based on the quality of our family relationship dynamics and how we connect.   

Full body bliss is a journey of exploration of all your senses perhaps a getaway at select retreats, or when in deep need for your well-being. How do you know you ready to know more about deepest secrets that Tantra provides?

To understand your sexual energy       

  • Relieve frustration of not knowing how it really works.            
  • Stop being disappointed.           
  • Here your appointment is designed to fit your bodies & lifestyle needs.         
  • Needs that you do not yet understand. Needs you cannot really hear, because they are all piled up repressed and suppressed.             

At the end of the 1st appointment you can potentially feel the changes and how they affect every aspect of your life.

Option 3.

Two day Retreat.

Options 4.

Five day Retreat.

Option 5.

Seven day Retreat.

Option 6.

Fully Customised can incorporate your work day as a smooth transition to creating your day integrating fulfilment in private & business life. Unlimited details here.